Cum să știi când este reală comunicarea animalelor telepatice?

One of the most common questions that I receive from people who are new to telepathic animal communication is:

How do I know if what I’m getting from an animal is real?

It’s vitally important to learn to differentiate between our own human ideas and thoughts and telepathic communication which comes directly from the animal.

This kind of differentiation requires practice and experience; however, there are some common qualities of authentic telepathic animal communication that can be easily felt and identified.

Three Qualities of Authentic Telepathic Animal Communication

1. Comunicarea telepatică este rapidă.

In fact, telepathic communication is often instantaneous. It is frequently the first thing that comes in, before the human thinking, analytical mind has a chance to get involved.

Translating the communication into human language can take time (and is often where interpretation, projection, and distortion can happen when people are inexperienced), but the telepathic communication itself takes place extremely quickly.

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People often first experience this quality of telepathic communication when animals quickly understand human thoughts or intentions. For example, many dog lovers have had the experience of intending to take their dog out for a nice walk, and no sooner has the thought formed then the dog is at the door, wagging her tail with excitement.

Animals are better at telepathic communication than we humans are, because it is their first and primary language. So we can learn from them by paying attention to how ei hear and understand ne.

2. Telepathic communication is often surprising or unexpected.

Authentic telepathic animal communication will often contain elements that express a very different perspective, point of view, or understanding than our human perspective.

For example, I remember when my dog J.B.was diagnosed with an aggressive cancer. We came home from the vet appointment and I fell onto the bed and sobbed, holding J.B. in my arms. I wasn’t ready to lose him, and I couldn’t bear the thought of losing him in this way. I cried and cried, and suddenly, in the middle of my sobs, I received a clear, booming communication:

"I’m not dead yet!"

The communication was exactly the opposite of what I was thinking and feeling at the moment in my human, limited perspective. J.B. was reminding me that he had a lot of life left to live…and that focusing on the future, rather than the present, didn’t serve either of us.

I dried my tears and took him out for a walk. J.B.’s insistence on enjoying his remaining time in his body completely changed my perspective and helped us both to enjoy an additional year of quality time together.

I love witnessing people’s excitement in my animal communication classes when they first really understand how dogs smell the world, how horses experience their energy fields, or how chickens and other birds see. These experiences are far beyond our typical human modes of perception, and when they come in telepathically, they are unmistakable.

3. Telepathic communication is full, whole, complete, and often multi-sensory.

Animals don’t generally communicate in human language, although we may translate what we receive from them into human words and concepts. It’s far more common for animals to transmit a whole package of understanding and multi-sensory information telepathically…because this is the world that they live in.

For example, an animal may transmit physical sensations, sights, sounds, smells, and emotions all at the same time, along with an understanding of how this relates to the conversational topic at hand.

I worked with a horse recently who is dealing with a serious physical issue. When I communicated with him, he gave me a whole package of information about how his body feels, and what he sees, senses, and experiences when trying to make his body do what he would like it to do. He also communicated about his emotions and spiritual awareness of his situation, including its impact on the people and other horses in his life.

All of this information came in immediately, quickly, and with a full range of sensation and feeling. My job was to translate these multiple layers of the horse’s experience for his people and then to facilitate a conversation between all of them about the next steps to take.

Telepathic communication is simple. It’s not always easy, because we humans tend to complicate things; but at its heart, telepathy is a simple, easy, natural, and universal language. The animals are fluent in this language; we humans can relearn it with some dedication and practice.

And….as the animals remind us all the time, it’s FUN!

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Despre autor

Nancy WindheartNancy Windheart este un comunicator de animale respectat la nivel internațional, profesor de comunicare animală și maestru-profesor Reiki. Munca vieții sale este de a crea o armonie mai profundă între specii și de pe planeta noastră prin comunicarea telepatică a animalelor și de a facilita vindecarea fizică, mentală, emoțională și spirituală atât pentru oameni, cât și pentru animale, prin serviciile ei de vindecare, cursuri, ateliere și retrageri. Pentru mai multe informații, vizitați

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