fotografie de prim-plan a feței unui câine
Imagini de Péter Göblyös

Atât de des îi aud pe oameni murmurând: „Dacă câinele meu ar putea vorbi. Atunci aș ști ce vrea cu adevărat. Aș ști ce să fac! ” În tot acest timp mă gândesc - ei are comunicând cu tine. Ei comunică mai mult cu tine decât comunică cu tine. Aceasta este problema.

As a society, we are genuinely disconnected. We grasp for anything that could bring us light or joy, and the irreplaceable feeling that we are made of love. We live in a place that fears connection yet pines for it at the same time. You’ve heard the rant — real connection comes only from you. This, mind you, requires a great amount of work. The excuses fly left and right, and everything else in our lives is prioritized ahead of making the effort to do all the work that is necessary. It is too damn hard to take ownership of who we are and how we behave, so we all stay in that safe disconnected space to which we are conditioned.

That is, unless you have a dog, and not just have a dog, but really love your dog. If that is you, then you may be in more luck than you know! Help is not only on the way, it may be sitting at your feet as you read this.

All Animals Have the Ability to Communicate Energetically

Animals tend to be undervalued, underrated, and underappreciated. It must be emphasized that all animals of any nature have the ability to communicate energetically. They communicate in the moment and unobstructed, whether dog, zebra, wolf, or horse. This should be remembered and identified as we move forward. However, because the domesticated dog interacts with and around humans, and lives so closely with us in our homes, dogs can communicate on a more in-depth level concerning any of our human afflictions.

Most humans do not frequently interact with, nor do they normally live daily with or around, wild animals. I have chosen to focus my book on the interaction, communication, and connection to domesticated animals and not wild animals.

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A good example of how connected our dogs are to us is the fact that your dog knows when you are getting a common cold even before you start sniffling. If you have great anxiety, not only does your dog feel it but she takes it on immediately. And, most of the time it’s because your dog doesn’t want you to feel it.

Animals Live in the Moment with Your Human Neuroses

Animals live in the moment. Once they take on human neuroses, whatever they may be, they have no idea what to do with them. It develops a toxicity that is reprehensible for the animal, and they know that it is not their true identity. When human beings function within all our conditioned issues, we have no idea if those issues are right or wrong, true or untrue; they just are. This is an unnatural state. Your dog, if shown the way, would love to move out of that state instantly and bring you with him.

Unfortunately, we are the ones who refuse to move entirely out of the dark and have become accustomed to the disconnection and conditioning. We have forgotten what it feels like to live in the light. What we don’t know is that our dog tries twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, to have an open connection with us. Our dogs are saying, “Hey, I get you and I am here to tell you we can do this together. Don’t you want to live in the moment before you get sick, or divorced, or fired from your job?”

The Flow of Energy Between You & Your Dog

What we need to realize and remember is that an open energy flows between you and your dog, and that what we inflict upon ourselves due to the human condition is transferred energetically to our dogs. Now don’t get me wrong. There are many individuals who dearly love their dogs and would never think of intentionally sending any energy that would harm them. However, it does occur.

When I am asked to come and read the energy between a client and their dog, I always connect and listen to the animal first before sending the energy through to the human being. That is because animals are so clear with their energy, and they jump at the opportunity for assistance, whereas the human companion scrambles to detract me during the session or cover up what is really going on. I always say it is never just about the animal. It is always, always, always about the human companion and who they are in relation to their dog.

To uncover and discover this relationship requires an open connection between dog and human companion. Once that is achieved, both souls can be retrieved. The animal and the human being then begin to see one another in a whole new light — a true light that illuminates your dog as a guide, a mirror to reflect who you are, an educator, and a creature who knows you better than you know yourself.

În acest fel, câinele dvs. este ființa perfectă pentru a vă arăta cum să vă conectați cu adevărat ynoi înșine. Printr-un astfel de profesor, nu putem să nu devenim conștienți. Se realizează începutul unei noi fericiri. Energia începe să curgă, să avanseze și ne deschide către schimbări nelimitate.

Copyright 2013 de Jocelyn Kessler. Toate drepturile rezervate.
Retipărit cu permisiunea Hampton Roads Publishing Co.
Dist de Red Wheel Weiser,

Articolul Sursa:

BOOK: The Secret Language of Dogs: Stories From a Dog Psychic
de Jocelyn Kessler.

Limbajul secret al câinilor: povești dintr-un câine psihic de Jocelyn Kessler.Te-ai întrebat vreodată ce gândește câinele tău? Dresorul, vindecatorul și consilierul de câini, Jocelyn Kessler, afirmă că, deși câinele tău nu vorbește engleza, el sau ea comunică cu tine tot timpul.

In The Secret Language of Dogs, she explains the importance of learning how to listen to your pet by learning to read the behavioral and energetic traits of your dog. Based on her years of experience with dogs and their owners in Southern California, Jocelyn explains how energy flows between pets and their owners and what the implications of that energy flow are for both parties.

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Despre autor

Jocelyn Kessler, autorul: Limbajul secret al câinilorJocelyn Kessler locuiește în Los Angeles și lucrează atât în ​​California, cât și în New York alături de animale și de stăpânii lor, inclusiv de mulți indivizi de înaltă calitate. O parte din misiunea ei este să îmbunătățească și să ușureze tranziția tuturor animalelor într-o viață sigură, sporind conștientizarea nevoilor lor fizice și spirituale. Site-ul ei este

Vedeți un videoclip cu Jocelyn care lucrează cu un câine care are epilepsie: Oamenii și animalele lor: delegarea energiei minții.