Imagini de Victoria din Pixabay

Sinele nostru interior vă întâmpină pe sinele vostru interior.

Energia este in totul și asta is everything. Energy is in our homes, not just in the form of electricity, but in the form of colors, shapes, cleanliness or clutter, mood, sounds, etc. And the foods we eat also have energy... some foods vibrantly so, while others have glaring absences of positive energy, such as in the case of ultra-processed and packaged foods. And the energy of the foods we eat becomes our energy as we absorb it through our senses of sight, smell, touch, taste, and of course, through digestion.

We, of course, also have energy in our body... Not only the basic energy that supports our life, but both the energy that we absorb from others and that we emit to the people and the world around us. Our thoughts, words and actions carry energy which can be used to heal, or to harm. Energy is Life, and Life is in everything and everyone. The more we honor our own energy and use it in service for the Greater Good, the more we affect others around us to do the same. 

Energy has no boundaries... it crosses through the physical, the mental, and the emotional. It does not judge or blame... it simply is. And, as with everything else, we get to choose how we use our energy, and what energy we allow into our life. 

The choice is always ours, and that is the most empowering realization we can come to. We can choose our thoughts, our energy, our actions, etc. We choose! So what's it going to be? We might start with this basic precept: În primul rând, nu faceți rău. And then expand it: I use my energy for the Greater Good.

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Vă doresc o lectură plăcută și inteligentă și, bineînțeles, o săptămână plină de minuni, bucurie plină, sănătate plină și iubitoare. 

Marie T. Russell și Robert Jennings
„Atitudini noi ... Posibilități noi”


Prezentare generală astrologică din această săptămână

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