Inspirația zilnică a lui Marie T. Russell

The focus for today is:  I am in touch with my inner wisdom.

We all have a source of inner wisdom. It is known by many names. It may be referred to as the Higher Self or the super-conscious or our intuitive self. It can be a connection to Universal Mind, or Universal Wisdom.

The name doesn't matter. The common point between all of these is that the wisdom resides within us or is accessible by going "within" usually in silence and reflection. But guidance or inner wisdom also can come in flashes, when needed, just like when you just feel strongly to do or not do something for no logical reason.

This inner adviser is available to all of us, children and adults alike, and can sometimes be accessed by imagining a particular form or person or even an animal that will communicate the wisdom to us. An "external figure" sometimes works best as it bypasses our self-doubt and thoughts that we don't know the answer. But our wise inner adviser holds the answers, and we can communicate with him/her/it and get guidance related to health issues, relationship, career, travel, etc.

Focusul de astăzi a fost inspirat din articolul

Tehnica consilierului interior: Cum să vă conectați cu vindecătorul interior
by Ellen Curran.

Citiți articolul original ...

This is Marie T. Russell, publisher of InnerSelf, wishing you a day of tuning in to your inner wisdom (today and every day)

Vino alături de mine mâine din nou pentru inspirația zilnică și concentrarea zilei.

Astazi noi are in touch with our inner wisdom.

Despre autor

Marie T. Russell este fondatorul Revista InnerSelf (fondat în 1985). De asemenea, a produs și a găzduit o transmisie săptămânală de radio din Florida de Sud, Inner Power, din 1992-1995, care s-a concentrat pe teme precum stima de sine, creșterea personală și bunăstarea. Articolele sale se concentrează pe transformare și reconectare cu propria noastră sursă interioară de bucurie și creativitate.

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